Spring Journal Prompts and Affirmations

Journal Prompts - Click here for more on journaling

1. Why do you feel like you need a reset?

2. What was the hardest part about the winter season?

3. What are you looking forward to this spring?

4. List your favorite spring activities.

5. What are 3 main areas of your life you want to improve this spring?

6. What areas of your life are you excelling in?

7. How do you want to reset your mind?

8. How do you want to reset your body?

9. How do you want to reset your spirit or soul?

10. Write down your primary goals for spring.

11. What goals do you have for the rest of the yar?

12. What important lessons have you learned recently?

13. What does having a fresh start mean to you?

14. What do you want to purge from your life?

15. What or do you need to move on from?

16. What is something you want more of in your life?

17. What is on your list for spring cleaning?

18. In what ways can you detox your life?

19. In what ways can you detox your body?

20. How can you practice more self-care?

21. How are you working on your confidence this season.

22. How are you feeling physically right now?

23. How are you feeling mentally right now?

24. Do you live “seasonally”?

25. What are your 5 main priorities this season?

Affirmations - Click here for more on affirmations

1. I welcome new spring blessings.

2. I am not defined by my mistakes.

3. I move forward with love and grace.

4. With a new season emerges new blessings.

5. I am dedicated to improving my life.

6. I succeed in everything I put my mind to.

7. I wake every morning refreshed and at peace.

8. I am in full control of positive changes I make in my life.

9. Spring is the time when I reset my soul with optimism and a renewed energy.

10. I choose to remain positive through every obstacle.

11. My goals are perfect aligned with my actions.

12. As the sun shines, so do I.

13. I embrace every opportunity to have a fresh start in life.

14. I willingly purge any negative things, people, or situations from my life.

15. I empower myself each and every day.

16. I envision what I want in my life and ask for it.

17. My home is my safe space.

18. My life is always changing and I am always growing.

19. I love and appreciate my body, and nourish it completely.

20. I love taking care of myself each and every day.

21. My confidence comes from within and glows outward.

22. My body and mind are in perfect harmony.

23. I am at peace.

24. I live each day with a profound gratitude for my life.

25. The choices I make each day in life are mine and mine alone.

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Heather Srncik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Attachment Theory in Relationships


Stop Self-Defeating Behaviors